Japanese Scientist: "Ice Cream for Breakfast makes you Smarter and Happier"

A Japanese scientist has discovered that consuming ice cream for breakfast improves a person's alertness and mental performance.

Yoshihiko Koga, a professor at Tokyo's Kyorin University, has carried out a series of clinical trials in which test subjects were required to eat ice cream immediately after waking up.

They were then put through a series of mental exercises on a computer.

Compared to a group that had not eaten ice cream, Prof Koga's subjects exhibited faster reaction times and better information-processing capabilities, the Excite News web site reported.

The study found that eating ice cream activated the same "pleasure spots" of the brain that are lit up by winning money, or listening to a favourite piece of music.

"This is the first time that we've been able to show that ice cream makes you happy," Unilever spokesman Don Darling said at the time.

"Just one spoonful lights up the happy zones of the brain in clinical trials."

Credit: The Telegraph UK


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